
Our response to Coronavirus Covid-19
Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre cares about the safety, health and wellbeing of our people, clients and communities.
Given the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its declaration by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a pandemic, Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre is taking considered action to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of our people, clients, volunteers, guests, suppliers and contractors. We have had to change the way we run some of our services to help keep our customers and staff safe and healthy. We are doing things such as:
Limiting the number of people who come into our centres
Screening people before they are allowed to enter our premises.
Cleaning our centres, offices more often.
Making sure customers do not share food, drink, cutlery, plates and cups, equipment
Assessing each activity and program to see if it can be delivered via phone or remotely.
And more.
Things to remember we are supporting the community at this time
The centre doors are closed to groups and most staff are working remotely
Our MyAged care and NDIS one on one services are still available
We have established a grass roots volunteer response called Peninsula Caring to respond to locals impacted by COVID-19 and working with local charities
The centre has a contact tracing system in place.
Please contact us on 9556 9500 if you need help or require further information
COVID 19 Infection Control Training - All staff and volunteers complete