
"It's always a hive of activity at the Centre. It has a friendly atmosphere and I always feel welcome."

Red Door Arts - Music
Every Monday
Music classes 7.30-8.45pm for the whole community including people with an intellectual disability.

No Interest Loans
10-12pm by appointment
NILs appoinments in partnership with MTC Work Solutions. To Book an appointment contact Susan on 9556 9504 or email communityprojects@rozellecentre.org

Inner West Tenant Group
11.30am-1.30pm last Tuesday of month
For tenants living in social housing. Susan 9556 9504communityprojects@rozellecentre.org

ARC Community Choir
1.30 to 3.30pm Garden Room
For persons with lived experience of mental illness who come together to sing.

Ever After Theatre
Meet every Tuesday
A unique ensemble of emerging actors who have an intellectual disability. Ensemble members and create experimental performance work as a way of communicating with the broader community. www.everaftertheatre.org.au

Bread on Wednesday
Gift of Bread
FREE Bread and scrolls, sweet and savoury buns distributed to the community every Wednesday 10am to 12pm. Contact Susan communityprojects@rozellecentre.org for more info.

University of Third Age (U3A) - Discussion Group
10.30am-12.30pm alternate Wednesdays
Lively group discussing global and local issues. Social, political, environment and economic talks on alternate Wednesdays. More info contact Virginia 0419 630 678

Legal Advice
1-2pm on the 1st & 2nd Wednesday of month
Colquhoun & Colquhoun outreach. By appointment only emailcommunity@rozellecentre.org or Lisa on 9556 9501.

​2.30pm-4.30pm on 1st, 3rd & 4th Wednesday of month
Outreach service for community members impacted by alcohol, drugs, addictions and unhelpful habits. By appointment call 9560 3011 with Leichhardt Womens Community Health Centre

Habit Change Group
2nd Wednesday of the month 2.30 to 4.30pm
Do you have a habit you would like to change. Come along to this group as we discuss the pro and cons of habits and work on goals. RSVP to community@rozellecentre.org or 9556 9501

Tax Help
By appointment
Free tax help appointments with a ATO trained volunteer. Program is available July to October. Call Lisa 9556 9501 or community@rozellecentre.org

Knit & Natter
11am to 3pm on the last Friday of month
A Wrap with Love group of knitters and crochetors. Free lunch provided in partnership with Oz Harvest. Lisa 9556 9501 or community@rozellecentre.org

Pop Up Pantry
12-2pm on last Friday of month in Main Hall
Free fruit, veg, bread and pantry items. Thanks to Oz Harvest and Bakers Delight Rozelle. Susan 9556 9504 or email community projects@rozellecentre.org

Pop Up Wardrobe
11am to 12.30pm on last Friday of month
Pop up Wardrobe distributes 6 x brand new free clothes and accessories in partnership with Thread Together, Shoes for Plant Earth, Dress for Success and Oz Harvest. Lisa 9556 9501 or email community@rozellecentre.org

Saturday Club
Social group for younger people with a disability. More information contact Maree groups@rozelellcentre.org

Gamblers Anon
6-7.30pm Sundays
Just turn up to Gamblers Anon for non judgemental support

See a gap and have an idea or group or need a space to hire? We have affordable rates to encourage community engagement. Call Lisa 9556 9501 or email community@rozellecentre.org
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